“Play, have fun, and enjoy the journey. Allow for your inherent childlike curiosity to unfold and express itself without judgment. It’s in being in the spirit of playfulness, joy, and fun that most of my best paintings, performances, and talks are created and expressed. Pause often and check in to see if you are really having fun and to reconnect with yourself—body, mind, heart, and head. If you experience tension, stress or doubt, then pause and consider taking another approach. Find and follow the joy, not the fear. Life is just too short to sweat the small stuff.”
Koorosh Ostowari
I am a multidisciplinary artist striving to be a creative agent for positive change on this planet.
My Story
My multiple identities are indivisible. At all times, I am all of the following: A contemporary painter, author, playwright, actor/solo performer, public speaker, certified somatic therapist and mindfulness teacher/coach, real estate entrepreneur in San Francisco, California, and certified naturalist and environmental advocate, engaging in the study of my local Marin County flora and fauna, including birds. In addition, I maintain my local beach on a daily basis and am a world traveler. I have been awarded the certificate of acknowledgement by the U.S. Congress and have been acknowledged by the California State legislature for my work as a leader of change in the San Francisco Bay Area.
My process and concepts as a multidisciplinary artist: My writings, paintings, and solo performances are responsive to the current societal norms, values, and socio-political context that are in need of exploration, re-evaluation, and understanding. My creative work responds to space, place, time and people, reflecting my belief that art and creative expression can be committed to interconnection and freedom. Ultimately my book, paintings, and journalistic style theater performances reflect a visual representation of human potential, connection, inclusion and compassion. In times of divisiveness, mindless consumerism, rampant greed, racism, climate change and mental health crisis, I use art to show me a potential path forward. I seek to understand what role art plays as a catalyst for change, and I invite you to do the same in your own unique and special way. We are all co-creators on a planet destined for change, and hopefully transformation for the good of all.
My intention is to do my best to engage my viewers, readers, and audience directly, offering moments of introspection. My paintings and theatrical performances often evolve, reflecting tangible marks of connection between viewers and the visual experience expressed on stage, on canvas, and in the exercises and reflections in my book. For me, this is an important part of connecting physically and psychologically with my audience. My work is intended to be in dialogue with audiences in a variety of ways. In my paintings, book, and solo performances, the audience plays a role in the experience in order to arrive at their own unique outcome, an understanding that feels right.

More information about my book can be found at the dedicated website:
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The Money Anxiety Cure – A Path to Financial Wellbeing
by Koorosh Ostowari
Do you remember how as children we used to run around and play on the playground with all our heart, body, and soul? That freedom and uninhibited pure, joyful essence is what I try to experience as much as possible. It’s also who you are. I would like to share what moves and inspires me to hopefully move and inspire you to be the best version of yourself!
In 1971, at the age of nine, I migrated to the U.S. with my parents and two sisters. Out of the necessity, while struggling to achieve the American Dream, I focused on survival, keeping up with the Joneses, and a false sense of success. I experienced a constant fear of never being enough or having enough in the U.S. The main tool that offered me sustained support and refuge was creative expression through art. Gradually, as I matured and attained material success as a San Francisco apartment designer, developer, and entrepreneur, I began offering high-quality, affordable rental housing for local residents as well as people moving to San Francisco from abroad. However, it’s my creative journey as an artist that gives me the greatest satisfaction and unquantifiable rewards.
Public Speaker
As a mindfulness expert and leader for positive change in the Bay Area, I deliver keynote, motivational, and inspirational public talks. I am known for my energetic, engaging, authentic, and dynamic style of speaking on topics that often relate to sustainable and mindful living. My topics are relevant to our times and often involve issues related to social justice, destigmatizing mental health issues, human potential, building equity in communities, practical life skills, and release from toxic masculinity while building emotional literacy and healthy communication skills. I often draw on my own challenging journey as an immigrant from Iran in the early seventies, as well as my challenges and successes in both the spiritual and material worlds.